Episode 102: Do the Work

Man, do online business owners love to share the WINS. 10k months, 6-figure launches, passive profit, the list goes on. That shit is amazing but let’s get real, we’d all rather know how the hell they got there. What you don’t see behind the outcomes are the steps, the challenges, the setbacks, and the mindsets it took to get there. We’re being fed a lie, that you can create an online business and “never work again” because you’ll love it so much.

I’m here today to tell you that anything in your life that you really want WILL require work, it will require doing the work, and there will be a TON of moments of discomfort. Just like our emotions ebb and flow, so does the pace of our creative projects and how things come together.

It’s incredibly liberating to realize that your business doesn’t have to feel “good” all the time, it allows you to come at the work you do in the world from a place of reality, consistency, and truly set up a plan for yourself so you CAN be sustainable and create your joy.

Pull up a seat, it’s time we have a chat about what it means to run a successful online business…

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Episode 103: What it Means to Elevate Your 8 with Kris McPeak


Episode 101: Developing Soulful Routines & Rituals with Simone Samuels