Episode 157: 7 Functional, Practical & Useful Life Practices to Feel Like You Have Your Life Together

Let's talk about some real, down-to-earth life practices and actions that you can start taking this week to feel good, functional, and hydrated. For real though! Enough with the constant pressure to always be acting from "your higher self" - let's get back to basics first. Being a human is tough and we all need a reset sometimes.

In episode 157, I'll be sharing 7 Functional, Practical, & Useful Life Practices that you can use to not only feel like you have your life together but also just feel good, period.

Come say hi on Instagram and tag me at @mindfulproductivityblog so I can re-share your post and say hello! I'm so glad you're tuning in!

Show notes:

  1. Fill up the water you need to drink the next day the night before. Some of the best investments I've made have been in nicer, high quality water bottles that I want to take with me and drink out of.

    Every night before bed I like to fill up all the water I need to drink for the next day.

    This works out because I have more than one water bottle I use, but even just filling up one will help out.

  2. Attach new habits to Anchor tasks you already do. Great example for me is taking my morning medication for my mental health, I do.

    Tips are sandwiching it in between two things you already do back to back. So for me this meant after my coffee but before my shower. Then on days when I do a workout after my coffee or anything in between I don't forget it.

  3. Closing Duties - Full credit for this idea goes to DomesticBlisters over on TikTok. She's a Mom who is open about her Post Partum Depression and what she's been doing to cope and manage.

    Her TikTok video linked here. She describes Closing Duties as…

    "how I close down my home, clock out, relax, and still keep things functional. 3 things that really help are putting 25 minutes on my timer, turning on some amazing music, and putting on a very cute apron. - make room for myself on the counters, make the space you need.

    "the key is to choose things that will make morning you happy" "I don't worry about what the rest of the house looks like. I just worry about having a functional kitchen in the morning"

  4. Don't wait until the last minute to do your nightly routine. I fall into this trap a lot. I'll wait until 8pm to start cleaning up the kitchen, setting the coffee, folding any laundry, etc. Then when bedtime hits, I'm racing around the house.

    Choose a time earlier in the evening if you can to start doing your nightly routine and then give yourself some time to relax. Which leads us to...

  5. Create a morning and evening "commute" for yourself. As an entrepreneur who has worked from home for over 5 years now, there are many things I miss about getting out of the house each day.

    While I didn't love commuting, I did love the SPACE a morning and evening commute provided for my brain.

    That time driving or riding on a bus after work and before getting back home, gave me "in between time" to just think, decompress, and not feel pressured to do anything else. Leaving space in between things serves us.

    Think about the fluid and tissue between your joints that provides cushion, mobility, and flexibility for your bones and ligaments. The same is true for our time.

  6. Change one thing at a time. You know when you get super inspired to go out and change your life or as the kids say these days to "be THAT woman" - well, sustainable change is important than your highlight reels.

    What i mean is, get excited about all you want to change in your life but don't pressure yourself to do it ALL at once.

    If you want to start meal planning, working out, writing morning pages, and going on weekend hikes, awesome.

    But it's also okay (and usually more manageable) to start doing one new thing at a time.

    Once you get in the swing of one thing, the snowball effect usually starts taking place and other new habits become easier to add on.

  7. Make a list of things that really don't matter every week. We've heard of gratitude lists, I talk about Success Lists (and include them in my planner, the Mindful Productivity Guide) but I also think it's important to make more lists about things that really don't matter.

    Here's what I mean: You know that thing you saw another entrepreneur doing in their business, where they use a really cool landing page software and there's an animation and you LOVED how it looked and now you have it on your to-do list to figure that thing out and add it to ALL of your landing pages by Friday.

    It's important to come back to these things and ask ourselves: do these things really matter?

    Is your business really going to skyrocket because you do this thing? Will it take you away from other crucial business tasks that DO matter? Same goes for things people say to us online or in person. Does it really matter?

    Feelings we may have about a specific things that happened, does it really matter? Will it matter an hour from now? A week? A year? Will it change the course of your life or business or mindset? Our brains often prioritize things that are new, novel, or unsettling. But that doesn't mean they have to be priorities.


Episode 158: Restorative Behaviors


Episode 156: Creative Nesting