Episode 85: 5 Quick Ways to Build Momentum in Your Life & Biz

Ever feel like it’s TIME to create some momentum on your next project? Like always, right? There are some KEY elements to building momentum on your life and business goals and chances are you might be overlooking some of these.

In this week’s episode we’ll be discussing:

  • The importance of choosing a FOCUS project and what that looks like

  • How I created massive momentum recently in my business that led to a new successful program launch

  • The mistake we all make by putting too much energy into the wrong data points and what to measure instead

  • The key to creating motivation from action

5 Steps Outlined in today’s episode. You’ll definitely want to tune in to hear the details of each one of these!

  1. Stop trying to do all the things and choose ONE thing

  2. Create a FOCUS project around that one thing

  3. Find an expert and pay them for their expertise & guidance

  4. Trust the process and resist the urge to put weight on variable data point

  5. Know that the power of momentum outweighs motivation, action generates self-efficacy, self-trust, and confidence


Episode 86: Positive Ways to Keep Growing and What it Means to Stay Whole with Jaitesha Hanson


Episode 84: What is it going to take for you to take control of your life?